Thursday, 24 October 2013

LAD Culture

First blog post!

I don't really have a clear idea about what my posts are going to focus on - I think I'll just go with the flow and write about whatever I'm thinking about at any given time. I'm also not sure how often I'll be posting. With three huge final year essays and a dissertation to complete, plus a tonne of other commitments (oh helloooo job search) this year is shaping up to be pretty hectic. But I'm going to try and use this as a kind of catharsis.

So without further ado:

We could all do more to address the 'lad' culture - so why don't we?

The short answer to this, I guess, is that if we don't we will be ridiculed for being boring and ostracised from our peers.

By its very nature, the lad culture bullies and belittles those who are different. And 'different' here means anyone who doesn't fit in to the boisterous, macho male stereotype.

The question that bothers me is, do these 'lads' actually exist, or is this just a subversive ideal that hundreds of thousands of adolescents are trying to measure up to? Do these guys actually feel like they are being true to themselves, or is it just something they perform in order to seek acceptance from their social group?

The Urban Dictionary definition for 'lad' reads:

A lad is a male who specialises in creating and distributing exquisite banter. Though most lads are youngish (late teens and early twenties) age is not a defining characteristic and you will find both young lads and old lads. Some special skills of lads include, but are not limited to the following:
- Binning Pints
- Exposing genitalia and getting naked in public places
- Throwing up after copious alcohol consumption
- Spousal Abuse
- Getting kicked out of pubs/nightclubs for being overly offensive
Excelling in all areas will earn a lad the title of "top lad". There is no higher praise that can be bequeathed upon an individual.
"That guy just saw off a whole bottle of Vodka then partyboyed that bird, what a lad!"

Most people enjoy a drink, and sometimes it's funny when your friends make prats out of themselves... But surely mutual abuse and humiliation (masked as 'banter') is not the aim, or indeed the product, of a functional relationship. I've been party to many groups of 'lads', and it seems to me that the unrelenting insults are a defence rather than an offence. In this perverted culture, you have to put others down or be attacked yourself.

The misogyny that is encouraged in these circles stems from the same root cause: the need to feel superior ('go make me a sandwich'). The crude and demeaning way they talk about the women they have had sex with is a warped means of gaining status. Furthermore, joking about rape is the way that boys are being taught (through popular culture, tv and the internet) to confirm and validate their own masculinity.

And this isn't just a problem in the most extreme groups. It's an epidemic which normalises abuse - of women, homosexuals, children. You only have to look at Sickapedia to see what I'm talking about.

I'm not saying that I don't find myself laughing at these jokes. I recently brought the box set of The Inbetweeners, because, quite frankly, I find it hillarious. But I also ask myself why? When you stand back and really think about it, these things aren't funny - we've just been conditioned for so long that we don't know what's acceptable anymore.

I couldn't isolate one cause, but I do know that a lot of the problems that society faces today are interlinked: trolling/cyber bullying, the resurgence of misogyny, over-sexualisation, teenage suicide...

In my opinion, there hasn't been nearly enough research into this emerging culture. It has its roots in so many different things - not least the virtual anonymity of the internet - and it affects many people's day to day lives. Joking about rape/paedophilia/homophobia is not only insensitive - it trivialises and normalises it. And that's no laughing matter.